Tuesday 10 January 2012

FW: Zhahab

Salam Bro,

Aku bermula dengan bersembang kosong ngan kau pasal pengalaman pesakit kencing manis kepada pesakit yang lain. Pada masa itu aku, kalau tak silap, aku tak nak ambik tahu pun pasal ZHAHAB ni kan. setelah berkongsi cerita ngan kau dan aku call si Faizul kat Langat, hati aku tertarik nak beli ZHAHAB sebab IANYA BOLEH MENYEMBUH KENCING MANIS. Walau pun was was, aku terfikir buat apa nak rugi RM590 kalau ianya boleh sembuh.

Aku call Faizul atas nasihat kau dan mencuba.

Hari 1 ke hari ke 4, aku jaga pantang makan dan ambil ZHAHAB dengan Metformin.
Hari ke 5 ke 7, aku ambil Zhahab serta 1/2 ubat Metformin.
Hari ke 8, aku dah tak makan ubat Metformin sihingga hari ni (dah ambil masa 3 minggu dari tarikh e-mail ni)
Zhahab aku stop pada hari ke 9 - masih ada baki 1/4 botol.

Seminggu lepas tu aku pergi Pandan Indah ambil lab test darah aku. Attendant Lab tu (Helen) tanya aku pasal apa nak ambil test darah - ada diabetes ke? Aku story yang aku tak ada (bohong sunat je)

Hari Selasa 13/12/2011 lab Test keluar - bacaan Hba1C aku adalah 6.8.
Aku tanya Helen (Lab Assistant kat PathLab Pandan Indah) samada aku ada
kencing manis ke?
Dia reply - NO
So aku sms Dr Rais - dia kata You dah Pulih, tapi jaga sikit pantang makan.

Jumaat 16/12/2011, last visit aku ke KPJ Kajang jumpa Dr Anjali Mishra (Pakar Diabetes)
Cek darah aku - bacaan 5.4. Dia tanya sebelum datang breakfast apa - aku kata oats.
Dia nampak surprise bacaan 5.4 aku tu.
Dia kata bacaan dia pun 5.6 ke 5.9.
Dia puji la aku pasal aku CONTROL makan dan rajin makan ubat. Aku ia kan je.
Dia tak tahu dah 3 minggu aku tak makan ubat Hospital.

Well Bro,
With ur advice and the constant follow up with Dr Rais , tak sampai 10 hari
dan yang paling utama macam mana pesan Dr Rais

Ingat dan Berdoa pada ALLAH swt - aku di istiharkan SEMBUH dari Kencing

I owe u Bro.

Thanks & regards,

Abdul Farizal Bin Mohamad

Asset Management Dept
Auto Finance & Asset Based Finance
RHB Finance Business Centre
1st Floor No. 1, 3 & 5 Jalan 52/18
New Town Centre
46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan
( : 03 7964 6947 | Ê : 03 7958 5060 | *abdul_farizal@rhbbank.com.my
CUSTOMER CARE : 1-300-888-742

Friday 9 December 2011

Infected diabetee = Gangrene

ya aloha,
sad to say. miss the training. no replacement yesterday. still off shore.
today only back to kth. chopper etd 1045.
my next hitch scheduled on 14.12.2011 - 3.1.2012
we'd spent more than 10K to save my father inlaw's leg.
all started 1 week before this hitch. he got something like 'bisul'
internally. the leg was swollen badly.
sent to hospital. antibiotik and medicine given.
aloha , just to share this with u and friends. diabetes have no mercy. just
see what it can do in one week. u see the bone. pls pray to allah that he
save my father's leg.
we're working with modern and traditional treatment.
he had the diabetes since 15 yrs ago. but under control. last ramadhan he
took cabonated drinks almost every day during and after breakfast. loves so
much on glutennuose cakes and bubur.
i was not there. at that time i myself suffering from diabetes unknowingly
at south china sea oil rigs.
nobody could stop him. stubbornsome this fellow. (sorry ayah!) if i am
there, he will listen to me.
menantu kesayangan lah katakan.. (why not.. i gave him 6 grandchildrens...
started from there, the sugar level always shooting up and very slow coming
i put him on zhahab until his sugar level dropped to 6.5mmol/l . that was
very good until he missed the supply and missed his insulin also. then the
breaking point to this current situation.
so aloha and friends : beware and always control what is going into your
pls share.
yeahh..going home. good bye "terra non firma."
be back next week to another platform.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Another Symptoms of Diabetes – muscles cramps

There two types of muscles self movement (automatic).

• First is ‘twitch’ – twitch is a short but rapid movement by muscles
• Second is ‘cramp’ – muscles cramp happened when too much lactic acid presence in the muscles resulting the muscles jammed.

This happened to me a few times. At first I thought it is normal. Once a while having cramps on the calf during normal activities. Then it started to attack at night which was never happen before. It started to cramp and I could not bear the pains because all the calf muscles started to cramped alternately. Like a major twitching. I cannot even move. Even slight movement will start the major twitching. The whole calf muscles moving just like an aliens moving inside the flesh. It is moving from tendons joining the knee until downwards. Even the toe fingers having the same. I do not know what to do. The luck was that I have a set of cupping devices at home. So I performed the dry cupping method almost to all spots I can place the cups on. Then the same thing happened to another leg. I was so busy that night. Fighting the pain and with the help of my wife I managed to control the cramp/twitching. After one hour, the muscles back to normal. (The dry cupping will force the tissues to disengaged and loosing the sliding movement of the tissues) But that night I slept with my legs tied and pinned with bolsters to reduce movement.

How cramps happened

Blood should carry enough oxygen to every cells and tissues and organs. When too much glucose stuck to it, the absorption of oxygen from the lung is minimized significantly. Meant that not enough oxygen flowing to all the cells. Our body burned the glucose to produce energy. This oxygen is used during the aerobic (in presence of oxygen) metabolism. But when insufficient of oxygen, our body will go to anaerobic phase. This is where lactic acid is produced. When too much lactic acid accumulated inside the cells, it will stop the activities. This will caused the fatigue and this is jamming the muscles and this is what we know as cramp. Normally cramp could happen to lower part of body because it is further from the heart. Most oxygen is already taken during the circulation. Those further down cells, tissues and organ will become oxygen hungry states.

It is common to see athletes suffering calf cramped during practices or tournament. This happened because usage of oxygen is more than lung can supply. Oxygen hungry cells will go to anaerobic metabolism to produce more energy. Resulting accumulation of lactic acid.

Monday 28 November 2011

weight lost

i'm still remember losing 1kg/day. for 2 weeks i had an assignment offshore
in oil rig platform, 2 days after onboard i felt very thirsty and the irony
of it is i kept on drinking plain water because the thirst was never
fulfilled. i drank every an hour and yet every 500ml taken, i never felt
enough. and every hour also i was urged to urinate. my bladder was so full
that sometimes it was very painful. night sleep became night walker. i'd
taken several bottles of mineral water to my room so not to go down to the
galley every time after urinated. the galley is open 24 hours.

the beauty of it is i'd lost 1kg/day. without doing much exercise. in the
beginning i felt good about it because my bmi (body mass index) was drop
drastically. when onboard, my bmi was 32 that was so closed to 35. if it
gone to 35, then there would be no more chance to work offshore. then 1 day
i'd noticed that my urine smelt. smells that remind me to freshly baked
cake. ohh.. so sweet! then i remember, aha.. this is the smell of ketones.
it startles me. gosh.. did i having a diabetes? i denied myself. it
couldn't be. none in my family having it. my diet is 'normal'. just like
eveybody's eating habit.

when onboard 1 was 89.7kg. but on the day last to board the chopper home,
the weigher machine shown 77kg. wow!! it was great to lose almost
13kg/hitch in 2 weeks. almost 1kg/day and almost not much exercises. the
bad thing was i was hospitalized 1 week after that. i was diagnosed with
diabetes mellitus. that was it. gone all the good feelings of losing rapid

what happened is when the glucose in the blood could not be changed to
energy, the body will break fats in the body and change them to energy.
that is why you lose weight drastically. the bad thing is, when your fats
were depleted, then the body will start breaking proteins. you know what
proteins contribute in your body.. proteins is the most essential elements
in all nerve systems! could you imagine at this stage how do we look like
and what could happened to us.

the glucose in the blood will keep on increasing. accumulatively. this is
giving our kidney an extra work. very straineous job. one day it will fail
and here comes another gang of the diabetes. other than that it will effect
our prostat glands as well. it will shrink it. and we will suffer a
difficulties to urinate. hmmm.. another one inhibits our already suffering
system. it is not over yet. they will invite their good friend to deal with
our heart. the machine that keep us running and alive.

that is how our body reacts to one failure to another. it will goes slowly
but definitely. yeah.. they are a slow walker but they never walk back.
unless you put a stopper!

'if you want to lose drastic weight .., well it's you to decide." but do it

Thursday 24 November 2011

Off to Offshore

i'm going to offsahore this Saturday.
thanks to everybody especially those who pray and encourage me for the treatment.
Special thanks to bro Roslin Ali Omar for introducing me to zhahab.
thanks bro and good luck with your turn.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

my testimony

Finally I'm Going Offshore Again




This is the third hba1c test result after consuming 3 bottles of zhahab without injection of insulin and other medication 2 months ago.


Finally  I got my job bak. Suspended for two months due to my diabetes status. Thanks to zhahab and Dr. Rais for the magic formula of the bio-nature.